Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Literall Meaning : Hobby...hobi...kegemaran...minat...

Technical Meaning: something that one likes to do or study in one's spare time; favorite pastime or avocation

People are often asked with this simple question. What is ur hobby? What do u like to do? What interest u most? What do u like to do on ur spare time?

Probably most of you do have ur own answer. But for me.....I do not know..

Okey then rozai, what do you do when u have time for urself? ( spending time with ur kids/baby is not considered interest ok, it is more to responsibility and its a MUST to be INTERESTED on  taking care of ur baby)

The question goes back to U...What do U like? What do u often do when u have the time? A hobby to me is supposed to be an activity dat u really enjoy , keen on doing it. Having a hobby helps to make you a more interseting person and gives you sumthing fascinating to talk about with others (but do i have all dat?? Fuhh!!)

I guess i have a couple of interest. I do like sports. I play tenis, badminton. (but i seldom play.. which means it is not considered as my hobby)

I also like cooking.. (but i seldom cook...also means NO for a hobby)

I like watching tv.. (but seldom coz my zara slalu conquered the tv with her fav tv programmes..eg: BARNEY..huhu)

What else??  There are so little things dat i like and enjoy doing which contributes to a very short list.  But there are many things that i do not like or not enjoy doing.hehe..such as...... :

List of dislike/ not that enjoyable doing it:
1) Reading and writting
2) Arts and crafts (things dat are leceh to do)
3) Gardening
4) Fishing
5) Outdoor activities (especially kat hutan..takut..huhu)
6) Surfing (the net la of course takkan la laut kan..).. ( including blogging coz im no good in writting..even when i surf the net, i dunno wat to look at..dont have any particular web or watsorever..termasuk FB. I will only bukak my FB once in a while..so frens..dont expect much from me.sorry..)
7) Kemas umah (but i have to do..huhu..kan best ade maid..hehe)
8) Dan banyak lagi..(xnak tulis sbb nanti korang kate.." boringnye ko ni rozai.." huhu)

So thats about it. U see guys..i dont hav any particular interest. If I do have some spare time i will just sit there and do nothing!! Teruk kan? I know..but i cant help it..I dunno wat to do! I have to figure sumting sbb lame2 life could be sssooo booring and colourless.. and also Lembab!! I need to find or develop sumthing that i enjoy doing..ArGhhh!!!

Somebody pliz help me!!

-clueless rozai-

Monday, January 11, 2010

Rain..Rain..Go Away...

Hujan lebat...

Tiap kali hujan lebat aku mesti berdebar...dug dap..dug dap..

Do u know y?

I know y.... (tawakal..huhu)

-Rozai yang risau dan berdebar..-

Anugerah Fav Rozai 2009

Anugerah Fav Rozai 2009 ( nk tgk AJL xdapat, anugerah ni bolehla..hikhik)

Buat julumg-julung kalinya saya mempersembahkan Anugerah Faveret Rozai bagi tahun 2009. Pemenang-pemenang nya adalah.......jeng..jeng..jeng.....

Best Penang Fried Kuew Teow : Doli kat TTDI

Best Char Kuew Teow : Stall depan NZ lame

Best Nasi Lemak : Kedai kat tepi jalan Ulu Kelang

Best Roti Canai : Kedai kat tepi jalan Ulu Kelang

Best Soto Ayam : Restoran Warisan Melayu kat roundabout AU2

Best Nasi Kukus Ayam (Dara/Kampung) : Stall kat tepi jalan Greenwood

Best Kategori Bihun : Mee Kg Pek (kat kh Hubby kat KB)

Best Teh O Ais : Semua same je

Worst Teh O Ais : Laksa Shack kat MV

Best Supermarket utk bli barang dapur : Giant Hypermarket

Best Supermarket utk beli barang Zara : Jaya Jusco

Best Place to wander at : Watson

Best TV Series 2009 : Nur Kasih ( Itupun ni je series yang aku btol2 ikut)

Best Movie 2009 : New Moon ( EDWARDD!!!!!)

Best Tudung : Tudung Fareeda (eheheh)

Best HP : HTC Touch Pro (hehe..best2)

Best Brand Hand bags : Ape lagi kalu x... LC...Liz Clairborne.. ( aku x mampu bli LV..LC pun jadila..)

Tahniah di atas kemenangan semua! Harap dapat mengekalkan kedudukan masing-masing dengan memberi serbis dan kualiti terbaik kpd ROZAI!! Semoga akan menjadi faveret Rozai lagi utk tahun 2010! Yieehaaa!!!!!!

AJL 2009


I've missed watching AJL!!! huhuhu...dengar kate best sangat8...huhu..Aku dengar ulangan kat dalam HotFM...sedapnye semua nyanyiii... nyesal plaks kua g MV.. Ade sesape yang recorded the program x? Kalu ade plizz..i nak pinjam..(ina..ko mesti ade kan?heheh)


-rozai yang sedey-