Tuesday, April 14, 2009

ReD Riding HooD in da House...

Hulloo people!!

Arini ialah ari yang bersejarah bagi Little red Riding HooD. hehe.. Reason? Becoz suddenly i feel like blogging. Dulu mmg terase nk start blog blog ni..tp slalu xde mase.. yelah always bz.. ngan zara..hubby.. work..n work...huhu.. tp skang ni tetibe plak nk merase bagaimana perasaan as a blogger. hehe.. Kay..Hibby..Ina...ni semua korg pnye pasal. aku teringat kat kowanks la aku bukak blog ni..

Oye.. btw.. mesti korg tertanye kan.. kenape Little-red riding Hood? simply becoz i like red! wakaka.. plus, mase buat quiz dlm FB, ala yang which Disney character are u tu.. da result was Little Red Riding Hood!! hehehe.. comei kan?? hahahahha

okla guys..theres so much more to come from me..i berazam akan slalu mengupdate my little red riding hood blog ni.heheh..(bole caye ke? ;-p ) okie.. slamat datang ke alam Blog!!! ( welcome diri sendiri..citt! ;-p )


  1. thx for the acknowledgment...

    this is a MUST READ blog!!!!

    tak sabor nak tunggu ko tulis story pasal ur daily life routine sbb i think ur's is fun n hilarious... (nih compliment tau rozai...bukan kutuk..)


  2. yeah rozai...finally.. hhehehe..xsabar2 lak aku.. hehe
