Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Cuti-cuti di Tioman


At last me n hubby have the time to go 4 a vacation!!! Actually, both of us dont have that much time but last minute my uncle blanje dok hotel. So kitaorg decide not to waste it and me n hubby pn applyla cuti segera..heheh.. Mase tu asik pikir je ..Shud i bring along Zara?? Is Tioman a baby-friendly place? Is it suitable and safe for babies? Kitaorg asik pikir pnye pikir pnye pikir..last last we decided not to bring Zara along. Lagi-lagi mase tu we heard that time is moonsun time. Lagila aku takut. So Zara terpaksa ditinggalkan.huhu..(sorry sayang..ini demi keselamatan kamu sayang..uhuks..)

Maka bermulala alkisah pada tanggal 16 Oktober 2009.. Kitaorg bertolak pagi dari KL ke Mersing dan amik feri dlm kol 3lebey gitu. Lame gile perjalanan naik feri dari Mersing ke Tioman. It took almost 3 hours to get there. Perghh..Dahla dalam feri tu super duper Seeeejuuukkk... (I almost freeze..u know..grrr...)

Dah sampai sana, kitaorg terus head off to our resort. We stayed at Berjaya Tioman Beach and Spa Resort. Hmm the place was ok..but i dont like the service given. Banyak probs..Lembab and tak efficient. Antaranya kalau called for shutter bus or pickup bus, bukan main lame menunggu. Last2 kitaorg jalan kaki. Berbeza dengan Berjaya Langkawi. Kalau yg Langkawi pnye, Xsampai 2 minit, dah sampai.Hmm.. beza..memang berbeza... hehe

Aktiviti yang kitaorg lakukan kat Tioman agak menarik and baru bagi aku. Aku yg tak pandai berenang ni buat bermacam aktiviti air seperti snorkelling and berenang dengan pelampung..Kire mase tu bile dapat snorkelling n terapungkan diri atas air tu satu BIG Achievement bagi aku sbb aku ni super duper tak tau langsung berenang.heheh..mase snorkelling tu aku divberi pelampung yg besar (aku perasan aku sorg je yg pakai pelampung masetu..hehe)pastu my hubby yg bersusah payah berenang and tarik pelampung aku kesana sni..hehe..(aku hanya mengapugkan badan jek...hehe)

Kitaorg amik pakej yg private boat. So adela trainer.. Kitaorg dibawa mengelilingi pulau-pulau kecil kat Tioman tu. Aku sebenarnye tak ingat nama pulau-pulau tu..hehe.. After spending 5 hours of water activities, me n hubby went back to our resort n the next day baru p wat aktiviti shopping.. But wat a dissapointment, kat Tioman tu tak de ape2 yg menarik utk dishopping. Yg ade kedai Duty Free Shop yg hanya jual T-shirt, barang laut n kraftangan yg tak canteks dan mahal plak tu..HUH! Aku bli Tshirt je and topi.. Not much choice..huhuuhu..

Okla, below are some of our pics kat sana. Kat depan lobby

Kat depan bilik
Mase nak p jalan2 keliling pulau..

Monday, November 9, 2009

Hullo again!!

Salam everyone..

Its been sooo sooo sooo long since ive updated my blog.hmm..theres so many things happened and soo many things to tell.. its just that i dont have that extra time to write and update my blog. hehe guess i ni mmg tersgt bz kots..hahha..Bz dengan ape??

1) Manage Faiz n Zara
2) House chores (Cleaning..groceries shooping..cooking..etc..eh btol ke cooking? adela sket2.. ;p)
3) Manage bapak yg baru kuar hospital (due to heart operation)
4) Office work (meeting here and there)
5) Weekly activities ( p kenduri, etc)

Sket je kan? Sebenornye byk lagi kalau dipecahkan and put it detail.hehe..tapi cukup jela i mentioned yg penting2 je.. Sebenarnye lame sgt tak menulis ni so rase cam ayat yg dibua xsdap la.but lantak la..dis is my blog. Asalkan aku tulis.heheh..

Sekarang ni jam menunjukkan 3.54pm. Im currently at my opis tgh tak wat ape. My work is done and skang ni xde kerja yg urgent yg perlu dilakukan. My immediate bos, iaitu Mr F skang ni xde coz today die p Haji!! (Beruntung die kan dapat p haji..aku ni bilela..huhuh) So, skang ni aku xdela bos..cume ade bos yg menumpang ngan akula which is Dr K. (nasibla labu..aku cume menolong je..xlebih dr itu..)

So, skang ni aku baru nak stat memblogging balik..Skang ni baru rase ade mood and i have the time..(@ opis jek..heheh..) So guys, tunggu my upcoming updates..(mcmla ade org nak bace..huhu)

Okie dokie..sayonara..

Rozai yg sgt penat and xde idea.. :I